Monday, January 5, 2009

Music News Monday?

I haven't quite decided what the hell I'm going to do on Mondays, besides write about how much Mondays suck.

However, like on Slacker Sundays, I'm normally lazy on Mondays, but not too lazy to scour the web looking for good news in musicland.

Guests On Royksopp's Upcoming Album

I know a lot of you are staring at the screen like "who?"
Have you ever seen the Geico commercial with the caveman in the airport on the walkway? The song playing in the background is Royksopp's "Remind Me." But they're so much more than that. Think techno mixed with hearbreakingly good lyrics and amazing, jazzy vocals. I really enjoyed the albums I have (2005's The Understanding and the earlier Melody A.M.) and I can't wait for this album.

Lance Bass wants 'N Sync Reunion
No comment necessary. I'm sure you all can hear the sound of my head banging on my desk.

Katy Perry and Travis McCoy Split!?
I adore Katy Perry and I have a total talent crush on Travis McCoy. So, obviously, I love them together. This just breaks my heart. And the fact that this break-up is probably going to get messy so doesn't help. Drama and good angry songs ensue.
Way to kill my Monday mojo, VH1 news.

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