Saturday, January 3, 2009

Top 5 Songs Of 2008 I Really Hate

For my first "Stuff Saturday" (in which I'll write about whatever music news I feel like, make some lists, etc.) I'm going to talk about the music of 2008. This was influenced by my finding The Number One Songs of 2008 on Yahoo!

Mostly, these are the songs I wish would just disappear off the face of the earth.
These songs were either generally bad in the first place, or just overplayed so much I wish I would have gouged out my ears around July.

5. Whatever You Like - T.I.

Now, I really like T.I. I think his music is genius and he's great with words and rhymes. I loved this song when it first appeared--in fact, I was probably the first person to get it after it got released. It's a great song.

It's a lot less great when it's played at least 20 times a day. Even good--nay, great--songs get crappy when you hear them after every commercial break on the radio.

4. Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

Again, I liked this song when it first came out. It's very soulful and has a nice melody to it. However, when it has been continually played for pretty much the entire year, I want to throw something at my radio when it comes on. I won't miss this song when it finally dies.

3. Live Your Life - T.I. and Rihanna

Oh, Rihanna. The Queen of Overplayed Music. See, here she's even bringing down T.I., whom I've already said I adore. But this song is just...weird. I don't know why, but it's catchy the first few times you hear it, but then it's not so good anymore. It's kind of like the Mexican food you regret the next morning. And then it was played with the same, if not more, repetition as the past two songs.

It's like eating the entire menu of the Mexican restaurant and ten minutes later going "That wasn't so good, after all." Yep.

2. Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

Okay, maybe this is just because I loathed the song from the start, but the fact that it was heinously overplayed and every person on my Facebook posted it constantly just made me hate it pretty endlessly. I hate the lead singer's voice, I hate the melody of the song, and I generally will never like this song, no matter how many times people throw it in my face.

And, drumroll please...
1. Shake It - Metro Station

The song that would not DIE.

It was a good song at first. I liked it. Nice beat, catchy.
But then it was played every ten minutes on the radio.
And all of my friends sang along every time it came on.
And then it was on TV. And music countdowns. And played at my homecoming.
And then everyone was crapping themselves over how good the song was and how amazinnnng Metro Station is.

And, even now, you'll still hear it fifty times a day. Why!?
I can't tell you. But the teenage girls are screaming for more, and I guess they're going to get it, no matter how much this teenage girl wants to sneak into their houses and break all of their radios and Metro Station CDs.

Feel free to add an opinion, argue, or add to the hatin'. It's all good.

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