Monday, January 5, 2009

More Links For Monday

Yes, I know I've already posted, but I'm bored and have just discovered the joys of and Technorati. Oh, and I made 42 cents off of ads. Another click and I might be able to get some chips out of the vending machine. I might be doing something right with this blogging business.

The first thing I'd like to introduce all of you to is Musebin.

Have ADD? Can't stand to read those long blog-length music reviews? Well, why the hell should you have to!? Musebin lets users make reviews...only they have to be under 140 characters. And they have a convenient green/red/brown color system that can simply tell you if the album sucked or not. I approve and I'll be a member once I'm done typing this out.

The second is Turn Me Up!

This is a movement to try and get artists to shut the hell up.
Well, in a sense.
They've scientifically proven that music has gradually gotten noisier and louder instead of more dynamic and want to give artists a chance to change this trend. They want little stickers on CDs saying that the music is dynamic and not just annoyingly loud. You go, guys. You go.

The third is Pandora Radio, one of my longstanding favorite sites.

You simply type in an artist and the site will create a radio station around that artist's musical attributes. This is the basis of Apple's Genius function on iTunes and works a hell of a lot better. You get to hear tons of great music that applies directly to you. It's amazing. (I'm a fan of typing in "The Killers" and letting it go for hours.)

Another is The Hype Machine.

You simply register and wander around the site finding posts of other music blogs that include mp3's. You click, it plays, you favorite the song or the blog. Easy and you get to listen to cool music.

That should keep you entertained for the remainder of this boring Monday, lovelies. If you have anything else to entertain me or think my links suck, please let me know. I love to be entertained or insulted, and the latter normally results in the former.

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