Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why There's Not An Album Review Here

I really tried to write an album review this week. I really, really did.
The problem was a.) that nothing good (that I knew about) came out last week and b.) I decided to tackle the most overhyped album of the century.

I just couldn't, internet. I tried to listen to it and it just would not happen.
This album right here...it just doesn't translate to me, I think.

[however, they do have the best album cover ever. no question.]

Maybe it's my mainstream-loving heart that just didn't get Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion. Maybe I'm just not indie enough. Maybe I just didn't have enough pot to actually get the album. My disclaimer here is that it isn't a bad album, it's just definitely not to my tastes. I don't claim to understand all music or know what's good or not all the time. I know my mainstream and I know what sucks and what doesn't. This, I don't.

Most of the things that Animal Collective does on Merriweather Post Pavillion are pretty nuts. Lots of techno, lots of chanting going on. But the songs just kind of drag a bit, for my taste. The only song I was able to get through all the way was "My Girls." I guess I just don't have the attention span for this indie stuff.

Long story short, this album is probably amazing if you're high.
Or if you like crazy indie stuff.
But I'm definitely sure this isn't the greatest album ever created. It is beautiful at some points, but it isn't worth the hype to most of the mainstream crowd.

In other news, I'll be taking on something I can actually handle this week, Tonight-Franz Ferdinand by, obviously, Franz Ferdinand.



    Aside from the overall level of awesome that MPP has, why did this band name their album after the place at which I am graduating? Forreal? A band naming an album after somewhere in MD? get outttt.

    PS you know who this is. =P

  2. I'm on cold medicine and that cover like "Whoooaaaaa".

  3. @Anon: I can only guess who this is. :P And wow, I didn't know it was a place in MD. Cool?

    @lordofthelost42: Lol. Glad I could bring you trippy goodness for today.
