Thursday, March 12, 2009

Done-whenever-I-feel-like Hiatus

I'm sorry, internet, but I have to put this blog on hiatus.

I'll settle with "I have no money to buy albums" and "I'm too busy screwing around with freelancing to get more money to buy albums" as my excuses.

I might keep up the other blog I have, but I'm not sure yet. The "I did this this this and this" today is easier than listening to a whole album and thinking up other things to say other than it sucked or it rocked.

So I don't know, stick around. I'm sure this will be back eventually.
I just need an album to kick me in the ass and I'll be like "Holy hell, I have to post about this." :]

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Got Some 'Splainin To Do

I know, I know; I royally suck at posting. But financial aid work and general school crap has taken over my life. But good things will be happening, you'll see.

I have a tonnnn of album reviews to get to! I'm so excited!

- Lily Allen's It's Not Me, It's You

- The BPA's I Think We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

- Beyonce's I Am...Sasha Fierce (I cracked.)

And I'll start keeping up with news again one of these days.

Oh, and the Grammys. Thoughts? But of course.

-The Jonas Brothers should not legally be allowed within a mile of Stevie Wonder, nonetheless singing one of his songs and making him sing theirs. What. An. Insult.
-Adele won Best New Artist. There is a god.
-I loved the rap collaboration.
-M.I.A. was the best part of the Grammys in my opinion, if only for her ridiculous outfit and serious balls going out there and rocking out besides being, oh, you know, NINE MONTHS PREGNANT. You go girl.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Music News Monday//2-02

Springsteen Rocks


"Now That's What I Call Music!" Heading To TV?

Fantastic. An entire show of the songs that have been overplayed to death that I never want to hear again. I'm so excited.

Fitty Says "You're so unimportant."

No, I don't really give a crap about another Fitty fight, but that diss was just too hilarious. Just say it in your head, and then say it to someone. They'll burst out laughing and not feel intimidated at all.

Jonas Brothers Have A Chance At Grammys!?

God, I hope not. Sorry boys. You don't get Grammys for being overplayed and loved by lots of naive little teenage girls.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fave Friday: "Samson"

Because I can't really think of an album I'd like to claim as a fave this week, I'd like to showcase one of my favorite songs. In fact, it might be my favorite song in the history of any song.

"Samson" by Regina Spektor

There are no adjectives, no describing terms, no ways of writing to express the beauty of this song. Regina's voice is just so amazingly entrancing and beautiful that it's impossible to not at least feel something at this song. I'm nearly moved to tears no matter how many times I listen to it.

The piano is gorgeous, but it all pales in comparison to Regina's voice.

The song itself could easily pass as a poem, and these lyrics are probably my favorite lyrics in the history of everything. Absolutely. Especially the opening, "You are my sweetest downfall/I loved you first/I loved you first" that describes the sweet pain of love and the loss it comes with. And "beneath the stars/came falling on our heads/they're just old light/they're just old light" takes a shot at all things cliche about love. And that's just the good parts.

The story told is one that brings about dark nights and love and trust and life. I can't even describe it.

So, this is my favorite song, pretty much. Some songs come close, but there are very, very few that have reached this level of godliness.

Review//Franz Ferdinand, Tonight: Franz Ferdinand

I'm on top of things today, you guys.

Franz Ferdinand//Tonight: Franz Ferdinand

I don’t know if it’s just my lack of patience relating to Franz Ferdinand CDs or something, but I didn’t get much out of this album. I really genuinely loved their first self-titled album, and the couple of B-sides that went along with it. (“All For You Sophia” and “Words So Leisured”, I believe.) However, I wasn’t so keen on their second album. A few good songs came off of it, and the album was certainly not bad, it was just…there. This album is somewhere in between. It’s not fantastic but it certainly isn’t bad. And it’s a little better than mediocre.

The theme of Tonight seems to be repetition and LA LA LA LA LA in like, every song. I don’t know what FF was on when they made this album, but they either need to quit or take some more. I can’t decide. Anyway, the album doesn’t really differ from the previous two albums the band has had. It’s classic Franz Ferdinand, which should be a genre in itself by now. You can just tell the songs, and these are no different. I’m kind of disappointed they didn’t go anywhere new, but relieved they didn’t fuck it up by going somewhere else. (I’m looking at you, Killers.)

All in all, Tonight is a good album. If you’re a fan, good for you; you get another album. If you’re not a fan, you’re not going to start now. There are a few standout songs, like “No You Girls” and “Katherine Kiss Me”, but mostly it’s the same old same old. Some of us like it that way, some of us don’t.

+++“Katherine Kiss Me”
This is by far the most beautiful song on the album...possibly on all of the albums. The lyrics are absolutely amazing, and the story is great. The story is intertwined with “Ulysses” and this is the softer, more real version. There are also references to a few of the other songs as well. The song is a classic ballad, but has some little sparks of life along the way, like random piano. You sometimes forget how great of a voice Alex Kapranos has, when it’s covered up with so much alternative rock crap backing all the time. This song is simply gorgeous, and I’d love an entire album of them going in this softer direction.

++“No You Girls”
It starts with a great beat and rocks it til the end. These are the subtly dirty lyrics I love Franz Ferdinand for, only with a different musical direction. It’s more upbeat than Franz normally cranks out, and a little more rock-y new backing for them. I love this song. The lyrics are great and tell a great story; they’re definitely quotable. Also, there’s a good message in here somewhere, I just can’t think of it right now.

+ “What She Came For”
Now this is a bit of a different song. Franz Ferdinand relies more on vocals than on rock backing on this song. I like the theme and I like the chorus. Okay, so I pretty much like everything. It reminds me of “40’” off of the first album. Why, I can’t tell you but, it does. It’s a really nice song.

The song starts with a feel of Mika, but goes on to be full of techno rock and hyperness. Oh, the Franz Ferdinand we know and love. This is pretty much exactly what you would expect from the band, only with the addition of “LET’S GET HIIIIGH” to the song. I can’t pick a genre specifically, but I think “this is a Franz Ferdinand song” should be one.

+“Bite Hard”
It starts of soft and sweet, then goes into loud beating rock. Nice bait and switch, there. The beat just makes you want to rock your head, pretty much. The backing music is great. Again, this is a classic song you’d expect from Franz Ferdinand. Another good one on this album.

+“Dream Again”
I thought imitating The Beatles was Panic at the Disco’s thing. Apparently not. However, this song is really good. There are really great lyrics in here and the background music is simply super. This is a nice slow, gentle song with a little hit to it. It gets a little repetitive, but that seems to be the theme of this album. It kinda makes me feel like I’m sailing, which I can’t really explain. I think I might be high or Franz Ferdinand was when they wrote this. Regardless, good song.

+“Turn It On”
It’s got a nice beat to it and is a pretty good dance song. This could be played at a party and everyone would be on the floor instantly. There’s a weird electronic backing sometimes, but you wouldn’t even notice if you were drunk and table dancing to this song. It’s good, I’ll take it.

/“Can’t Stop Feeling”
The parts that aren’t the chorus have great lyrics. However, the rest of it get really repetitive, really fast. This isn’t an African god chant, you guys, it’s alternative music. The backing involves a weird synth sax that kinda freaks me out and makes me think that the Copacabana is angry today. Decent song.

/“Lucid Dreams”
Okay, first of all, this is an OVER SEVEN MINUTE SONG. I have serious contempt for songs that are over five minutes. Anyway, the song rocks a nice beat and good lyrics. They’re kinda pulling a soft Beatles thing here, with a little dash of Of Montreal for good measure. Pretty much, this song is like ten songs in one. It just switches back and forth. Not really a fan of that. And then it goes into random techno. Okay, because that totally fits here. We’ve gone from smooth Britain to a bad rave, super.

/“Live Alone”

Just a decent song, well done. There’s honestly nothing that stands out to me about this song, besides the pretty good synth backing. Sorry, song.

/“Send Him Away”
It’s a pretty decent song. However, it gets choppy at some points and doesn’t really flow right. The lyrics are pretty nice, and the music backing it is good. Nice guitar. However, like a lot of songs on this album, it gets repetitive very, very fast. It starts off as a really good song, and then changes mood halfway through to an entirely different one that isn’t as good. I’ll give it an A for effort and a neutral for trying.

-“Twilight Omens”
I think this was supposed to be a creepy song. There’s the prerequisite weird keyboard music that gives off a really eerie vibe. I don’t really get the lyrics, and it gets repetitive pretty fast. The beat is decent, but it’s definitely my least favorite song on the album, by far.

//Final Verdict//
If you like Franz Ferdinand, good for you, you'll like this. If you don't...this isn't for you. Just save yourself time and download "Katherine Kiss Me" and listen to "Ulysses" on the radio.

Buy, Borrow, or Burn: Borrow. Not worth dropping the money on it. If you're a fan, buy it. If not, don't even bother.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why There's Not An Album Review Here

I really tried to write an album review this week. I really, really did.
The problem was a.) that nothing good (that I knew about) came out last week and b.) I decided to tackle the most overhyped album of the century.

I just couldn't, internet. I tried to listen to it and it just would not happen.
This album right just doesn't translate to me, I think.

[however, they do have the best album cover ever. no question.]

Maybe it's my mainstream-loving heart that just didn't get Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion. Maybe I'm just not indie enough. Maybe I just didn't have enough pot to actually get the album. My disclaimer here is that it isn't a bad album, it's just definitely not to my tastes. I don't claim to understand all music or know what's good or not all the time. I know my mainstream and I know what sucks and what doesn't. This, I don't.

Most of the things that Animal Collective does on Merriweather Post Pavillion are pretty nuts. Lots of techno, lots of chanting going on. But the songs just kind of drag a bit, for my taste. The only song I was able to get through all the way was "My Girls." I guess I just don't have the attention span for this indie stuff.

Long story short, this album is probably amazing if you're high.
Or if you like crazy indie stuff.
But I'm definitely sure this isn't the greatest album ever created. It is beautiful at some points, but it isn't worth the hype to most of the mainstream crowd.

In other news, I'll be taking on something I can actually handle this week, Tonight-Franz Ferdinand by, obviously, Franz Ferdinand.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

(vlate) Artist Tuesday: Lily Allen

Here goes it. I swear, I'm working on stuff to post. Really. But I'm feeling damn fierce this week, so I picked a fierce woman.

Lily Allen

Wikipedia tells you:
Lily Rose Beatrice Allen (born 2 May 1985) is a British singer-songwriter. Best known for her songs "Smile" and "LDN" and their Mockney style, Allen is the daughter of actor/musician Keith Allen and film producer Alison Owen. Allen also hosts her own BBC Three talk show Lily Allen and Friends...

I tell you:
This is the woman I pretend to be when I'm having a bad day. This is the woman I pretend to be when I want to be confident and say "Well, screw you." to the world. Lily Allen is beyond amazing and she has the sass, balls, and sarcasm to take on the music industry.

I love all of Lily's songs. No, really, all of them. Many of them have a sassy quality to them that just makes them amazing. There are some retro background influences that make them really old-timey. More often than not, the songs are a good ol' harsh "gtfo" to someone who annoyed her. Lily is not afraid to go where other people are and writes about things your run of the mill music artist wouldn't dare to because they'd offend somebody. Lily just doesn't care.

The woman is not ashamed to admit her shortcomings with weight (she looks fine), beauty (I think you're gorg, honey), and love. Hell, if you can't write songs about yourself, you can't make fun of anything. Lily has a reputation for badmouthing other artists, getting way too drunk and far too unclothed, and needing a foot in her mouth. But I love her for it and the rest of us do to. Oh, and her fashion sense can't be matched. Ever.

What I am BEYOND excited about is the release of her new album, It's Not Me, It's You, on February 10th. There are promotional songs all around and I'm just jumping up and down in excitement. So much so that I can't even type because of it. I'll let the promo speak for itself at the end here.

Her insanely popular Alright, Still is more than "Smile" as well, people. Even though "Smile" is one of the best written popular songs of the decade, it's still overly popular. The album is full of fun yet snarky songs about everything from nightclubs to her grandmother. I'm not joking. It's probably one of the best albums to listen to if you need inspiration to tell someone to fuck off. Go Lily.

Oh, I have lots of links this time.

One of my favorite songs and one of my favorite videos of all time.

Lily's Cover of Britney Spears' Womanizer

There's no words for how awesome this is.

Preview of It's Not Me, It's You
This album is going to be phenomenal.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm slacking.

Because of school responsibilities, general bullcrap, and internet suckage, I do kind of suck at getting this updated. :[ I swear I'm working on good stuff.

There will be an Artist Tuesday on Lily Allen soon.

I might also crack and do my weekly review on Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavillion because it seems like the thing to do. FYI, I'm not really a fan, so let the skewering begin.

Stay tuned.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Music News Monday.

Short and quick MNM, because I have essays to write and a marathon of The Powerpuff Girls to keep watching.

New U2 Single

Yep, they're still goin. The song, "Get On Your Boots", is actually pretty good. I don't know how much radio play it'll get, though. It's kind of a slow-song. There's a nice little techno background going on and the very U2 bells and chimes. It's alright, but it's no "Vertigo."

Kelly Osbourne Arrested For Slappin' a Bitch

Heh. Just read it.

Music Licenses Necessary To Play

This is almost as bad as DRM-free iTunes. In Britain, an agency is walking around demanding music licenses from small business who turn on radios at work. Are you freaking kidding me? The stupid agencies that run around these days, honestly.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

(vlate) Fave Friday: Lady GaGa

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted the past few days. Teenage life, you know. Gets in the way of being on the laptop enough to research. Sucks. Anyway, here goes Fave Friday...on Sunday.

Lady GaGa//The Fame

This is definitely the newest on my list of favorite albums. Sure, it doesn’t have the deepest subject matter. It’s mostly about boys, sex, and dancing. Also, I’m a sucker for beats I want to dance to. And this album delivers, delivers, and delivers again. You will never get sick of listening to any of the songs on The Fame. Not even the insanely popular “Just Dance.” Really, you won’t. They’re catchy songs, yes, but they aren’t the kind you want to rip out of your brain. You just sing them all day and don’t even mind.

Lady GaGa is pretty much Gwen Stefani walking into a pretty house in the OC and getting involved with lots of pretty models. Oh, and the voice is pretty similar, too. But Lady GaGa’s songs are just so sweet and danceable, you can’t help but love them. There’s a great dance beat to every song and the lyrics aren’t as bad as you think they would be. Lots of good rhymes and decent content. Especially on the first song I put up, “Poker Face.” The song is genius, I tell you. But she has other genius songs as well, like “I Like It Rough”. It examines one of her lesser quality traits, and “Money Honey” is about how love is better than money. How nice.

Also, I’m a sucker for fashion and this woman wears the most insane clothing I have ever seen in my entire life. That automatically nominates you for my admiration. I do love obnoxious things, man.

Yes, most of the songs are about guys, money, and parties. If you’re looking for some deep indie crap about death or the inner meaning of an orange, this isn’t for you. But if you just want something light that you can dance along to for a while to forget that you’re working a dead-end job and aren’t in the Bahamas, The Fame is for you. Definitely. The following songs are worth a click on Youtube.

“Poker Face”

As previously stated, this song is genius. I would really never have made the connection between getting guys and poker, but apparently it’s something else I’ve missed. This is one raunchy song!metaphor, but it’s absolutely amazing. If you aren’t at least bobbing your head to this song’s beat, there might be something wrong with you.

It’s vapid. It’s vain. And it’s amazing. You literally cannot help singing to this song. It just brings up visions of beaches, sunbathing, and taboo vacations. Which are always fun.

Unfortunately, it is a new album, so all you get in searches is LOL JUST DANCE BEST SONG EVARRRR!!1! So I can’t find the more obscure songs of hers, but I’m sure they’re out there somewhere.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Review//Britney Spears,Circus

Britney Spears//Circus

A sassy, simply amazing album with a lot of kick in the ass. This album is like a welcome smack in the face, really. It just gets you more pumped up. There’s dance beats all over the place and the entire album will get stuck in your head until you tear it out with pliers. But you like it there, so you don’t move it. Trust me. This is great. Go forth, Britney Spears; you are deemed talented again.

+++ “If U Seek Amy”
Okay, let’s get it straight. I liked this song before the whole “ohh, that’s what it means” thing. This was the only song I listened to on the album for a while, and it’s just because it’s SO. DAMN. CATCHY. It’s lyrical genius meets great beat that you just want to dance to. The subject matter tells a story, and you can just feel the song. It feels gritty, it feels dirty, and that’s what this album is. Done.

I definitely didn’t know you could write a sexy song about phones, but here it is. This is the song of the 21st century. Britney somehow weaves dirty themes into Bluetooth, texting, and even ringtones. This song gets the +++ only for genius writing. Even better, it’s a great song. The song is fast and dirty and just…amazing.

++”Unusual You”
The song is totally digitally manipulated, but for the better and not the worst. There’s an unplaceable reason why this song is so good. Maybe it’s because it’s a meld of old and new; it’s digitally screwed around with, but there’s a piano backing some of the song. Whatever, it’s really good.

It’s impossible not to rock out to this song. Absolutely impossible. Every woman knows at least one guy that this song applies to, and you want to sing it to him with your finger in his face. You know you do. It’s quite obviously a song pandering to the masses, as it’s the first single off of Circus, but I’m going to ignore this pandering and keep bobbing my head like I’m in da clubbb.

++”Lace And Leather”
I was actually hoping that this would be kinda related to Stevie Nicks’ “Leather And Lace”, but not so. However, I wasn’t disappointed. The song has a disco feel, if you could believe it. There’s a nice beat in the background and the lyrics flow pretty great. Good song.

Good on you, Britney Spears. This is her “well, screw you” song to the world. It’s actually a really great song. The lyrics are amazing, and it’s catchy to the point where it will get caught in your head long past the time you hear it. There’s a robotic quality to a meaningful song and it creates a nice distinction in the song.

++”Kill The Lights”
The beat alone gives this song a good rating, but the actual song is great too. The song is sassy and reflects fame and all it’s about. The lyrics are great and the background music gives the song an eerie feel.

I didn’t know you could have a rockin’ tambourine in a song, but apparently you can. This is a fast paced song with a poppy quality, unlike a lot of the dance songs on Circus. It’s about how she forgets everything in front of a dude…oh, me, biased because I do this? Shut up.

+“Mmm Papi”
This song actually has some Spanish-sounding background music and the synth isn’t ridiculous. It’s catchy even though you don’t want it to be. It tells a pretty decent story and feels like a warm, sunny day. Nothing like taboo in the afternoon, hm?

It’s a bit high pitched for my taste, but it’s a nice fast-talking song that is decently made. Most of the song is fine and it’s a good concept for a song, but the bridge and chorus are in a chipmunk-esque voice. No thanks.

It’s a decent song that would work really well in the club. Again, it’s a good concept for a song, but the music is just too fake and repetitive for my taste. And in the chorus, there’s a dude going “aiiiiiIIIiiiiiiIIIiii” that makes me laugh too hard to take the song seriously.

/”My Baby”
It’s a slow, sweet song that totally sticks out like a sore thumb on this album. It’s like rock, rock, dance…slow. Not that it isn’t a good song, but it’s just out of place here.

/”Shattered Glass”
It’s an alright song. Doesn’t really have enough feeling for the subject matter, and the little sounds of shattering glass in the background is just like…really? I think we get it. The nice dance beat in the background saves this song from the minus pile.

/“Out From Under”
Decent song. It’s a well-done pop ballad, bringing me back to the ‘90’s. Nothing special, but it isn’t bad by any means.

-”Rock Me In”
It’s a basic dance club song, and that’s about it. It has a light chorus that barely anyone can understand and it’s quite obviously about sex. There’s random electronica in the background and the sound of shooting lasers. That’s cool. [/sarcasm.]

Okay, Brit; you got drunk last night, don’t remember what happened, and made this song. The song is just all over the place and the background music doesn’t fit the foreground whatsoever it. It just kinda rolls along, doing nothing. Maybe that’s the point, but…eh.

This could be the best thing since…well, before Britney went nuts. The album is just simply awesome. What, I need anything more than that?

Buy, Borrow, Burn: Buy. Yes, I know you haven’t bought a Britney album since the ‘90’s, but this one is worth it, at least for the next dance party you decide to have.

Oh, Now I Get It

The stomach flu, below zero temperatures, and lots of snow are impeding my ability to post, but I'll get what I can to you, internet.

This made my day and actually made me think for the first time in about five days.

Britney Spears' 'If U Seek Amy' Poses Problems For Radio

The chorus doesn't even try to make grammatical sense of the phrase: "But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy."

The spelled-out profanity puts the song into a legal gray area for radio stations.

I will openly admit this one took me about twenty minutes to figure out.
I've listened to this song at least a hundred times and haven't noticed a thing.

And I, the queen of dirty phrases, was sitting there sounding it out, like..."efusigate me? That's not dirty, is it? That's not even a word!" I'm thinking it's like the "Spell IHOP and then say 'ness'" thing all over again.

Then I got it.

And gained double my respect of Britney Spears. I didn't know she had that many brain cells to even get the joke. Thus, the album I'll be reviewing this week is Britney Spears' Circus. Good game, Britney; good game. Made me laugh hysterically.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Artist Tuesday: Gym Class Heroes

It's a snowy, cold, Tuesday. Let's get amped up with a hyper artist, hm?

Gym Class Heroes

Wikipedia tells you:
Gym Class Heroes are an American band from Geneva, New York. The group formed when Travis "Schleprok" McCoy met drummer Matt McGinley and decided to make a band. After the addition of guitarist Disashi Lumumba-Kasongo and bassist Eric Roberts, they were signed to Decaydance Records, on which they released the gold-selling album As Cruel as School Children.

I tell you:
I can’t even start on how much I love Gym Class Heroes. On a scale of one to awesome, they're the shit. (See "New Friend Request") I’m a fan of rap music, I’ll tell you that. I don’t mind listening to an hour of “WHERE MY HOES ATTTT?” and will be rocking my head along all the time. But GCH isn’t that rap. Occasionally, they’ll talk about how hot a girl is. But mostly, they talk about issues that a lot of teens/young adults face, with a hint of humor and great rhyming. I honestly believe they are literary artists. Every song is well-written and put together amazingly. These are the kind of lyrics you paste up on your monitor to look at every day.

I’m lucky enough to have both the hugely popular As Cruel as School Children as well as GCH’s earlier The Papercut Chronicles. (I haven't gotten their newest, The Quilt, yet, but from what I heard...well, that'll be an album review.) They’re both great, and I suggest at least having a listen to either of them. As Cruel as School Children is a lot more composed and, honestly, done a bit better than The Papercut Chronicles. Papercut is more raw, more feeling and lyrics written on napkins, than the more produced School Children. As stated, they both still rock.

Notwithstanding that I have a talent-crush on Travis McCoy, he’s a genius. But he’s also a regular guy. He’s not trying to wine and dine girls or take them on jets wherever they want to go. (I’m looking at YOU, T.I.) He just wants to live life. McCoy talks about the life of musicians a lot, and it’s a nice insight to a lifestyle I didn’t know about. “7 Weeks” on School Children is a great song, talking about touring and what goes on. Beyond that, McCoy talks about his insecurities—how he was never good at anything but music. That resonates with a lot of us who are only good at one thing. “Shoot Down The Stars” is a must-listen and it’s a good inspiration for all of us.

There are songs that will make you sob on these albums, like “Faces In The Hall” on Papercut. It’s about a boy who is gay and his girlfriend, who both meet bad ends.”So Long Friend” is another that will make you tear up. But with the meaningful songs, GCH has a tendency to know how to take a joke and poke fun at themselves. They have a sense of humor and put it into their songs. “Scandalous Scholastics” is about a kid having a relationship with a teacher, and it is hilarious.

Long ranting about how amazing they are short, everyone needs to listen to Gym Class Heroes. And not just “Cupids Chokehold.” I deliver.

"Papercuts" on Youtube

"Faces In The Hall" on Youtube

I don't know what new album I'll be reviewing this week, but I'll let you know soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Music News Monday.

This is the news I felt like finding today.

Inaugural Performers

Artist such as Bono, Shakira, Beyonce, and are set to play at Barack Obama's opening celebrations on January 18th, in honor of his inauguration. The full list is there. (Me? Posting this just because I'm excited?)

Amy Winehouse's Husband Files For Divorce

Rehab don't fix everything.

Lonely Island Gets a Tracklist

If you haven't heard of Lonely Island, just go to Youtube and search "Dick In a Box" or "Jizz In My Pants". This also means you're over 35 or live under a rock, either or. Anyway, the tracklist for their LP Incredibad just came out, and I'm excited. It's almost as good as a dick in a box.

Also, on that link is a skit Adam Levine is in.

I need not start so quickly on this blog about the lengths at which I love Adam Levine, so you're all safe from fangirl ranting. FOR NOW.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Slacker Sunday Linkage

It is indeed a true Slacker Sunday, as I don't feel like doing anything but sitting at the computer and playing The Sims 2 while waiting patiently for 24 to come on.

So here are some links.

Creating Music

Okay, yes, I KNOW it is a site for kids. But it's hella fun.
Go click on "Musical Sketch Pad" and draw all over the place. Hit play. Music happens! Say what? "Rhythm Band" is also fun, as well as the "Activites" section. I'm nearly 18, and I spent half an hour on this site. I have no regrets.

Now, I'm not into making music, but if I were, I'd go here. They have tutorials for everything, including mixing, picking the best guitar, and remaking the instrumentals for hits. All of it is over my head, but it looks like a lot of fun for people interested in the music biz.

The music fun world must be a little boring today, as I can't find much else. Anything else to occupy me and the rest of the world? Comment away.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

(late) Fave Friday: Frou Frou

Sorry about no post yesterday. Internet kinda crapped out on me. So, here's my late Fave Friday, in which I post about my favorite albums.

Frou Frou//Details


I heard one commercial for the movie Garden State and I was in love. I, being exposed only to Top 40 music and other crap at that point, was astonished that something so beautiful, so gorgeous existed. I looked and looked and found that the beauty I heard was “Let Go” by Frou Frou. I truly believe this song, and this album, started my love of music in the first place, so I figured it would be a good place to start my Fave Fridays.

Frou Frou, a band fronted by Imogen Heap and backed/produced by Guy Sigsworth, unfortunately disbanded in 2003. The good news? They made this amazing album before that point.

Details is a great exploration in the many genres that fit Imogen Heap’s astounding voice. There’s lots of electronic backing, with pop components and light acoustic tendencies. Synthesizers and normal instruments play in harmony. Above all, the lyrics are genius. Completely genius. Every song could easily pass as a classic poem. I actually had trouble writing this as I listened to the album. You’ll just stop what you’re doing and listen to it, not remembering what you were doing in the first place. It’s kind of annoying, but worth it for the result.

I normally won’t do song-by-song reviews for albums I really like, because the most I’ll be able to say for every song is “Great. Great. Amazing. Other positive adjective.” So I decided I’ll just pick a few standout songs that you should hunt down and listen ASAP. It was really hard for Details, as I love every song on this album. But I sucked it up and picked a few. (Along with some Youtube links to hear the songs.)

“The Dumbing Down Of Love”
One of my favorite songs ever created right here. Piano in the background creates a sad feeling, for good reason. The song is pretty much a poem to music. I can’t even describe how amazing the lyrics are, so here’s a link. The song has so much feeling, either with Immi’s voice or the piano or the lyrics or something, that if you’re not at least tearing up by the end of it, there might be something wrong with you.

“Let Go”
Obviously, I picked this because it was the first song I heard by Frou Frou. But it’s also one of the best. The song is simply amazing. I can’t think of one thing wrong with it.

It’s a story of obsession and insanity, could pass as a short story, and is addictive to listen to. The lyrics are amazing. “If love is surrender/then whose war is it anyway?” Though it is a soft song, mostly, there is a feeling of power and strong feelings in it. I suggest it to anyone and everyone.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Review//The Killers, Day & Age

And so the reviewing begins. I figured I'd start with this album because I have a solid opinion on it and The Killers are probably my favorite band.


You think I would like this album. You really would. I got hooked on The Killers with Hot Fuss, their amazing techo-Brit-pop infused debut, and fell completely in love with them with Sam’s Town and their B-side CD, Sawdust. Both had lyrics that broke your heart and made you listen, no matter what. Sam’s Town is potentially my favorite album of all time. So you can imagine my excitement for Day & Age...and my disappointment.

Day & Age had the potential to be a fantastic mix of the pop techno of Hot Fuss and the lyrical beauty and Vegas soul of Sam's Town, and it just flopped. The songs don’t have a set direction and are all over the place as far as genre goes. I don’t know what was in the water when they were making this, but I was shocked some of the songs even came from The Killers. If it hadn’t been for the previous two albums, this one would be pretty good. But in comparison to the amazing music they’ve produced before, The Killers just didn’t up the ante on this one.

I do my reviews song-by-song, instead of just a vague paragraph of me stating what the album was about. I go from the song I liked the most to the song I liked the least, mostly because the more I hate it, the more entertaining I become. I rank songs under Positive (+), Neutral (/) and Negative (-). Let’s begin, shall we?

++++ “Spaceman”
This. This is what the entire album should have been. It has the amazing lyrics of Sam’s Town (“The song maker says it ain’t so bad; the dream maker’s gonna make you mad.”) with the catchy techno of Hot Fuss. You can’t go wrong. I can’t think of anything wrong with this song. By far my favorite of the album. The fact that it is a single makes me kind of worried, because my favorite Killers songs are never singles. Uh-oh.

+++ “Human”
The grammar nazi in me cringes at “Are we human, or are we dancer?” but the song is great. The song is classic Killers. Nice hook, nice lyrics, and nice synth backup. You’ve heard it all over the radio, I need not say more.

+”This Is Your Life”
This is a good life, I’ll tell you. This might be my favorite track on the album, lyrically. “Candy talks to strangers/thinks her life’s in danger…” Okay, tell me how that isn’t amazing. Just tell me. It’s a very good song, and is very “them” I think. It sort of reminds me of Hot Fuss’s “Believe Me Natalie”, only with a backing vocal of white boys trying to be an African choral group. Oh yes, I’m serious.

+ “Joy Ride”
Okay, so it kind of sounds like The Killers visited the Copacabana on this song, but it is genuinely catchy. It tells a great, taboo story of what goes on in Vegas and the feelings involved. I like how upbeat it is and the saxophone backup is a nice little addition.

+ ”A Dustland Fairytale”
It’s a little slow for me and sounds like a ballad, but the lyrics are amazing and the story is great. The melody is good and the piano in the background is impeccable.

/ “The World We Live In”
It has a good melody to it and the synth isn’t overkill on it. It’s a song I’d like to rock out to. It’s a good little song about life, and inspires the album title. Can’t say too much more other than “ it’s good”.

/”I Can’t Stay”
If it wasn’t for Brandon Flowers’ amazing voice, I would hate this song. I’m not too happy with the lyrics, nor the little maraca things going on in the background. And they just randomly add in a steel drum for shits and giggles. It was like they just stood there like “what can we add here?”. But, oh Brandon Flowers...I’ll listen to him sing anything.

/”Losing Touch”
The chorus is pretty good, but the rest of the song is overboard on background music and is put at wayyy too high of a sound. Really. And it’s kind of a whiny song, too. Which is never good.

/”A Crippling Blow”
Oh, Killers, what is this? It’s far too choppy of a song and really doesn’t go anywhere. The song is two-faced. It goes from sweet acoustic guitar to ROCK ROCK ROCK in about two seconds flat. Don’t make me even start.

/“Neon Tiger”
It gains a neutral just for the name. Yes, I know it’s a metaphor, but it still rocks. However, the song seems kinda amateur-ish. It just doesn’t flow correctly and there are awkward pauses in the music like they didn’t know what to put there. The middle is pretty decent, with fast lyrics and good melody, but the rest is just like…what?

---“Goodnight, Travel Well”
I…I…I hate this song. I’ve never hated a song by The Killers before. Ever. But now I do.
I can’t even listen to the whole song. The entire song is slow, slow, slow and goes nowhere fast. Even Brandon Flowers’ voice doesn’t save this song because he’s at too low of an octave to rock. There are weird little clock noises and what sounds like goddamn whale sounds in the background. And it’s like SIX MINUTES. OF NOTHING BUT SLOW. PORQUE!? Oh, this song. What the hell. I don’t even like the lyrics, either. So yeah, this is the worst of anything The Killers have ever done, in my opinion.

//Final Ruling//
A decent album in general--I've heard much worse--but not good on The Killers' rating scale. Too much genre hopping going on and just simply too many things happening for a good album to emerge. A few songs are standouts, but too many just fade into the distance of all the other decent songs on your iPod. Unfortunately, mediocre is the only way to describe Day & Age, and that breaks my heart as a die-hard Killers fan. Hopefully they release another B-side CD of all the good songs.

Buy, Borrow, or Stay Away From: Borrow. Hit your friend until she plays it for you. This is even more fun if she's one of the fans who can't admit the faults of the album. Heh.

And that's that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Whatever Wednesday: DRM-free iTunes

(On Whatever Wednesdays I write--you guessed it!--whatever.)

One of the fundamental rules of life is that iTunes has songs for $.99.

Not anymore, they don't.

At Apple's last appearance at Macworld Expo, they announced that their entire song catalog on iTunes will be offered DRM free.

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is when a song has preventive measures installed for copying. In my opinion, it's a bunch of crap. It means you can't recopy a song on someone else's computer because of the encoding. The measure was started to stop music pirating. It's been working great. [/sarcasm]

Anyway, all songs on iTunes are formatted with this.
Because everyone has obviously been bitching about it Apple decided to change.

Not for free, of course.

Songs that will be DRM-free will be $1.29. Say whaaat? (More about the more expensive iTunes Plus here.)
Protected songs will either be the usual $.99 or $.69, depending on the popularity of the song.

I think it's kind of ridiculous that we have to pay more to be able to copy our music wherever. Music pirates figure out ways to get past everything; why punish the rest of us with DRM?

If you can't tell, I'm all for internet freedom, and this makes me verrrry angry. And this picture made me laugh. Kudos to the makers.

I'd love to hear someone else's opinion. Is this a bunch of bullcrap or is it a good idea? What do you think of DRM?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Artist Tuesday: Duffy

I figured I'd do a little profile of an artist I like and why I like them so much to write a blog entry about them on Tuesdays. Enjoy?

This week: Duffy

Wikipedia Tells You:
Aimé Ann Duffy (born 23 June 1984 in Bangor, Gwynedd), known professionally as Duffy, is a Grammy-nominated Welsh singer-songwriter. Her debut album Rockferry was the best selling album in the United Kingdom in 2008 and has sold over four million copies worldwide.

I say:
Duffy is amazing. This is not opinion, this is fact.
Okay, maybe I’m biased because I’m harboring a huge girl-crush on her. But she is amazing, you have to give her that.
Not only is her music great (more on that later), but she has her own attitude and does what she wants in the industry. Only not, you know, obnoxiously. She refuses to drink or get caught up in drugs because of experiences of the people she knows. She was disillusioned with the normal music industry and decided to make music for music’s sake, not for her own fame. Duffy has just enough spice not to be a doormat but not quite enough of a ‘tude problem to be deemed a total bitch. Congrats.

Oh, and she’s Welsh. Anyone who watches Torchwood knows that’s automatically 100 points of win.

On to her music, which is pretty much the same as Duffy herself.
I unfortunately haven’t been able to get my hands on any of her earlier EP’s, but I do have her most recent and insanely popular Rockferry playing on my iPod at least once a week.

Rockferry is genius, beautiful genius. Duffy writes lyrics that bring out the emotion that all of us share—the sadness of a broken heart, the rebellion of doing what you dream, and the “screw you” attitude we all need to have once in a while. She combines these beautiful lyrics with equally amazing music.

Duffy sings in a very soulful manner, but it isn’t really soul. It brings up images of old clubs where singers made money by tips and life was rough, but life was beautiful. Her music is the vintage shirt you find that just works in modern times. I think she writes lovely music, and the background is equally as good as the vocals—a big band sound backs her on many tracks and matches her strong voice. I think her music is nearly flawless.

And she makes amazing music videos. This one is stunning in its simplicity. Where others are putting explosions, shiny lights, and slinky clothing to attract viewers, Duffy just shows emotion.
This video, for “Warwick Avenue”, is my favorite music video ever. Ever, I say, ever. Unfortunately, Youtube hates me and no one allows embedding of this video, so here's a link.

Duffy's "Warwick Avenue"

And that speaks for itself. My rave is done.

This week, there aren’t really any huge albums coming out, so I’ll stick to two I’ve been listening to lately—The Killers’ Day and Age and Fall Out Boy’s Folie a Deux. Expect those reviews up on Thursday.

Monday, January 5, 2009

More Links For Monday

Yes, I know I've already posted, but I'm bored and have just discovered the joys of and Technorati. Oh, and I made 42 cents off of ads. Another click and I might be able to get some chips out of the vending machine. I might be doing something right with this blogging business.

The first thing I'd like to introduce all of you to is Musebin.

Have ADD? Can't stand to read those long blog-length music reviews? Well, why the hell should you have to!? Musebin lets users make reviews...only they have to be under 140 characters. And they have a convenient green/red/brown color system that can simply tell you if the album sucked or not. I approve and I'll be a member once I'm done typing this out.

The second is Turn Me Up!

This is a movement to try and get artists to shut the hell up.
Well, in a sense.
They've scientifically proven that music has gradually gotten noisier and louder instead of more dynamic and want to give artists a chance to change this trend. They want little stickers on CDs saying that the music is dynamic and not just annoyingly loud. You go, guys. You go.

The third is Pandora Radio, one of my longstanding favorite sites.

You simply type in an artist and the site will create a radio station around that artist's musical attributes. This is the basis of Apple's Genius function on iTunes and works a hell of a lot better. You get to hear tons of great music that applies directly to you. It's amazing. (I'm a fan of typing in "The Killers" and letting it go for hours.)

Another is The Hype Machine.

You simply register and wander around the site finding posts of other music blogs that include mp3's. You click, it plays, you favorite the song or the blog. Easy and you get to listen to cool music.

That should keep you entertained for the remainder of this boring Monday, lovelies. If you have anything else to entertain me or think my links suck, please let me know. I love to be entertained or insulted, and the latter normally results in the former.

Music News Monday?

I haven't quite decided what the hell I'm going to do on Mondays, besides write about how much Mondays suck.

However, like on Slacker Sundays, I'm normally lazy on Mondays, but not too lazy to scour the web looking for good news in musicland.

Guests On Royksopp's Upcoming Album

I know a lot of you are staring at the screen like "who?"
Have you ever seen the Geico commercial with the caveman in the airport on the walkway? The song playing in the background is Royksopp's "Remind Me." But they're so much more than that. Think techno mixed with hearbreakingly good lyrics and amazing, jazzy vocals. I really enjoyed the albums I have (2005's The Understanding and the earlier Melody A.M.) and I can't wait for this album.

Lance Bass wants 'N Sync Reunion
No comment necessary. I'm sure you all can hear the sound of my head banging on my desk.

Katy Perry and Travis McCoy Split!?
I adore Katy Perry and I have a total talent crush on Travis McCoy. So, obviously, I love them together. This just breaks my heart. And the fact that this break-up is probably going to get messy so doesn't help. Drama and good angry songs ensue.
Way to kill my Monday mojo, VH1 news.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Slacker Sunday: Top Videos Of 2008

This will be my first Slacker Sunday, in which I give you a link to go have fun with so I don't have to write anything. Normally this is because I have homework or house crap or real life to deal with. But today it's just because I'm lazy. :]

Pitchfork has listed their Top 40 Videos of 2008, embedded vids included. I suggest you check it out.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Top 5 Songs of 2008 I Loved

(The happier continuation of Top 5 Songs of 2008 I Really Hate)

2008 did have good songs come along. These are songs I'll be listening to for a while, whether they're not very critically acclaimed or overplayed to crap. Either they're amazing and I haven't gotten sick of them or they haven't gotten the machine gun playing of the worst songs of '08.

With no further ado...

5. I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry

Okay, I know. Quit rolling your eyes at me.
Sure, this got the airplay overkill of the century. I know. I don't know if it's Katy Perry's amazing voice or how real, emotional, and taboo the song sounds...but the song is great. It's catchy and it stays in your head and never gets out. You're singing along and you don't even know it. I think that is a successful song, no matter how many people get pissed about it.

4. So What - Pink

I don't think this song will ever get old. Pink pours her heart and soul into "So What" after her divorce. The song is an anthem of rebellion and courage. She's pretty much saying fuck the world and produces an upbeat, catchy song that brings a smile to every love-scorned girl. (Including myself.)

3. Spotlight - Jennifer Hudson

For being a popular Top 40 song, this song has a lot more substance than the usual public is used to. It's a song of longing for the outside world but not knowing enough about the inside to leave. Jennifer Hudson has somehow made a gorgeous, soulful song and made it catchy enough to make it insanely popular. Sure, it didn't get the airplay that some of these songs did, but I think I like it better that way. "Spotlight" is too beautiful to be ruined by overplaying.

2. Just Dance - Lady GaGa and Colby O'Donis

Yes, I'm aware it's generally the same basic idea as Metro Station's "Shake It", which I loathe. But it's done so, so, so, so much better.
Lady GaGa creates the catchiest song of the year, in my opinion. The background beats are absolutely amazing and the synthesizers don't go insane. Of course, the song is made to be a dance beat, but Lady Gaga's vocals are so beautiful that you don't even notice you're not at a bar dancing on a table to it.

I'm singing it in my head right now and will be for the next few hours.

1. Viva La Vida - Coldplay

Obvious answer of the year, much?

I don't need to tell you how good Coldplay's Viva La Vida is. Everyone else already has. I haven't met, heard from, or read anything from anyone who didn't like that album. Obviously, the title song has been the most popular, and the song is simply gorgeous. I need not say more aside from the fact that Coldplay are complete genii.

P.S. My opinion is subjective and you might loathe these songs as much as I love them. I'd love to hear from you, internet. What did you hate in '08? What did you not hate?

Top 5 Songs Of 2008 I Really Hate

For my first "Stuff Saturday" (in which I'll write about whatever music news I feel like, make some lists, etc.) I'm going to talk about the music of 2008. This was influenced by my finding The Number One Songs of 2008 on Yahoo!

Mostly, these are the songs I wish would just disappear off the face of the earth.
These songs were either generally bad in the first place, or just overplayed so much I wish I would have gouged out my ears around July.

5. Whatever You Like - T.I.

Now, I really like T.I. I think his music is genius and he's great with words and rhymes. I loved this song when it first appeared--in fact, I was probably the first person to get it after it got released. It's a great song.

It's a lot less great when it's played at least 20 times a day. Even good--nay, great--songs get crappy when you hear them after every commercial break on the radio.

4. Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

Again, I liked this song when it first came out. It's very soulful and has a nice melody to it. However, when it has been continually played for pretty much the entire year, I want to throw something at my radio when it comes on. I won't miss this song when it finally dies.

3. Live Your Life - T.I. and Rihanna

Oh, Rihanna. The Queen of Overplayed Music. See, here she's even bringing down T.I., whom I've already said I adore. But this song is just...weird. I don't know why, but it's catchy the first few times you hear it, but then it's not so good anymore. It's kind of like the Mexican food you regret the next morning. And then it was played with the same, if not more, repetition as the past two songs.

It's like eating the entire menu of the Mexican restaurant and ten minutes later going "That wasn't so good, after all." Yep.

2. Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

Okay, maybe this is just because I loathed the song from the start, but the fact that it was heinously overplayed and every person on my Facebook posted it constantly just made me hate it pretty endlessly. I hate the lead singer's voice, I hate the melody of the song, and I generally will never like this song, no matter how many times people throw it in my face.

And, drumroll please...
1. Shake It - Metro Station

The song that would not DIE.

It was a good song at first. I liked it. Nice beat, catchy.
But then it was played every ten minutes on the radio.
And all of my friends sang along every time it came on.
And then it was on TV. And music countdowns. And played at my homecoming.
And then everyone was crapping themselves over how good the song was and how amazinnnng Metro Station is.

And, even now, you'll still hear it fifty times a day. Why!?
I can't tell you. But the teenage girls are screaming for more, and I guess they're going to get it, no matter how much this teenage girl wants to sneak into their houses and break all of their radios and Metro Station CDs.

Feel free to add an opinion, argue, or add to the hatin'. It's all good.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Hey there. I'm Liz, and in this blog I intend to rant or rave about the various music I come across.

No, I have no background in music, aside from previously playing a baritone.
I have no idea what I'm complaining about, here.

But I'd like to think I know what sucks and what doesn't.
And I hope that I can inform you what sucks before you go drop ten dollars on an album.

I like alliterative days like Favorite Friday (opinions of my favorite albums) and "The Hell?" Thursday.
I also like swearing. Keep this blog away from the impressionable tweens, okay.

I hope I get some good rants up soon. Later, internet.